If you own a website, there is an excellent chance you have heard how SSL is an essential must-have feature for your company's site. But what is SSL, and why is it so important you have it installed on your server?

We know that starting a business is everyone's dream in this day and age and most of us would do it if we could. Will it take hard work? Yes. Is it impossible? No! You can do it! Even with the smallest idea a big business opportunity can flourish if we have the determination and the right tools! Want to know what these tools are? Let's read on!
In the Digital Age, We Need Digital Tools
Apart from having a beautiful store or location, we need digital tools! What type of digital tools you say? These include a company logo, a website, content or blog writing to keep your fans interested, social media profiles and posting, Google and Facebook ads, videos, and more!
1- Start thinking of a logo that describes you!
Many up-and-coming companies struggle to gain the attention of their customers because their logo does not describe who they are or their services effectively. The product or service may be amazing but what a customer sees first is your logo! Make it amazing and one that stands out. Not too flashy or too cluttered. Try to visualize all that your company stands for and make it into one image that can serve as a symbol. Furthermore, if text is needed, usually adding it to the right or centered below usually works well.
Here's a good example of an effective logo:
2- Create an amazing website and create your company brand!
One of the most important facets of your new company is your website! Why? Because as much as you advertise and do a great service, your customers will immediately check your website as a source to know whether or not they choose your company! The best way to know how you should build your site is to first look at competitors' websites, then according to your logo, find out what your company colors are and what feel you want to have for your website. If you are a beach sandals business, then sand, white and blue colors would work excellent to convey a beach atmosphere. (Click here to read more about web design).
A good example of a good website with effective brand design:
3- Create Interesting and Informative Blogs.
What makes you stand out from other companies? Having amazing and informative content! Why is this important? Because the more you answer your customers' questions with your knowledge of your craft, the more customers will trust you as a leader and buy your product or service! Also, by adding content you are more able to be found on Google as well as other major search engines :). If you don't know what to write about just think of the problems your customers may be facing and write a helpful set of tips or small article to address their issue.
Here is a good example of a helpful blog:
4- Use Social Media and Posting to Connect!
What better way to connect with your customers for free but by using social media! By creating a business page on Facebook, Instagram, Google Business and more you can connect with your customers in a personal way that tells you just how they think and feel and how to better reach them in their needs with your products or services.
Here is a great example of an awesome Facebook page:
5- Create Striking Facebook and Google Ads
After setting up all these great marketing tools there's even more you can do! By creating striking Facebook ads you can reach even more potential customers that have similar interests that your company is part of. Also, with Google Adwords you can reach customers on Google that are avidly searching for your services.
Checkout a great example of a Facebook Ad:
In Conclusion:
By creating an amazing logo, a brand-conscious website, interesting and informative blogs or news articles, accesible and shareable social media accounts and content, and leveraging the power of Facebook Ads and Google Adwords you are now well on your way to create and start your new and very own business! We look forward to seeing just how awesome your new company will do and how your customers will benefit from your products and services!