The web has become an increasingly visual medium. Images have been an essential component of any content marketing strategy for a long time now. However, as bandwidth capability grows both in the home and on mobile, video content is fast becoming a key component to keeping your visitors engaged on your website. Here are a few reasons why video is more important on a website.
1. Videos Grab Attention
Internet surfers have a short attention span, with more and more people preferring to watch a video rather than read a long article. You can see proof of this trend on YouTube. More than 6 billion hours of video are watched on YouTube each month – that’s almost 45 minutes of video for each person on the planet.
2. Video Comes up in the Search Results
Over the last few years, you have most likely noticed that search terms are including more videos at the top of the SERPs. This isn’t an accident.

Google loves to give their customers (the searchers) what they want. With videos taking up more space in the SERPs, you can be sure that Google has realized their customers have a preference for video content.
And with YouTube being the second biggest search engine, a video on your website also creates more ranking opportunities.
3. Create More Personality for Your Brand
If your goal is to create conversions, people put more trust in a brand when they can put names to faces. Videos can help to humanize your brand and develop deeper connections with your audience than using text alone.
Video is also a superior medium for conveying emotion. People base most of their buying decisions on emotions and sound, and video helps you tap into that motivation.
These are just a few of the reasons why videos are important on a website, but they are useful in many more ways. You can more easily demonstrate products and create more compelling testimonials and recommendations through video.
You will also be more inclusive of your mobile audience. Many people prefer to watch a video on a mobile device rather than read through a long article.